Family Email

Posted on: February 1, 2022

Hello Families,


I hope everyone is doing OK. The COVID numbers are going down! Finally!


Morning Drop Off:

Please remember that the drop off lane is for students that are getting out of their cars immediately for school. If your student is still putting on hats and gloves or finishing up breakfast, please pull into a parking spot until they are ready to get out. Many cars are standing still in the drop off lane and this is causing a back-up. Also, we only use the lane closest to the school for morning drop off. Please do not drop off on the opposite side as this is dangerous for our students.


Afternoon Pick-Up:

Please remain in your cars for pick up. An adult will bring your student to your car. This way, the traffic runs smoothly. A slight change for P1! If you are there before or right at dismissal time, your student will be dismissed from the P1 doors. However, if you are a few minutes late (2:28), please come to the front of the school and we will bring the students out the front doors. There are not enough adults to watch both places for dismissal. Hopefully, this will make it easier for everyone. As the weather gets nicer and the students can be outside, we will go back to the other way. Thank you for your understanding.


Pool Testing:

Pool testing is moving to Tuesdays. If you have not signed up for pool testing, you still can. Please visit and go to the COVID tab. All forms can be filled out on-line or downloaded, printed, and sent into the school.


COVID Rapid Testing:

The district is offering COVID rapid tests for families to take home and test every Sunday. Tests will be distributed on Thursday or Friday. We then pool test on Tuesdays with results in by Thursday. Hopefully, this will help prevent spread in the school. Please visit and go to the COVID tab. Forms can be filled out on-line or you can download them, print them, fill them out and then return them to the school. If you have any questions or need help, please contact


PTO Meeting:

The next scheduled PTO meeting is Monday, February 14, 2022, from 6:30pm – 7:30pm. On the last email, I had the incorrect date (Sorry!). As the date gets closer, we will be making decisions about whether to hold the meeting in-person.


Snowball Slam:

The snowball slam has started and the excitement in our students is amazing. I walk around the school, and I see students engaged in books and they are so excited to share their stories with me. I love how the slam encourages and makes reading fun. Please remember to ask your student to share what they are reading. This means so much to them. Also, ask them about how they earn a snowball and what class they will “slam!”


Winter Clothing:

We are still noticing many students coming to school without proper clothing. It is cold and we do go outside for recess. Please make sure your students are dressed for the weather. If you need help, please contact or (978) 740-1280.



  • New P1 Information Day/Night, February 8, 2022, at 9:00 – 9:45am and 7:00 – 7:45pm.
  • Beginner Instrumental Concert, February 15, 2022 (after school only)
  • Snowball Slam Ends on February 18, 2022.
  • School Vacation, February 21st-25th.


Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or concerns.


Bethann Jellison, Principal



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